Brynn Owens

Jeffersonville, IN

High School:
Jeffersonville High School

Brynn is a Neuroscience and Behavior Major with a minor in Theology from Jeffersonville, IN. In high school Brynn was very involved in student government and several service clubs. She was the captain of her high school's varsity softball team and has continued her career as the president of Notre Dame's Club Softball team.

In 2022, Brynn was able to mentor a group of freshmen in her Dorm as a theology mentor for students taking an introductory theology class. She also spent a summer as a camp counselor at Camp Sweeney in Texas. Camp Sweeney is a summer camp for children with Type I diabetes. Here, counselors provide around-the-clock medical support for their campers!
In 2023, Brynn was an undergraduate teaching assistant for the Introductory biology lab and loved getting to share basic lab skills with freshmen!
In 2021, 2023, and 2024, Brynn worked as summer staff at Wonder Valley Christian Camp in Salem, IN where she grew up going to camp. There, she was able to serve hundreds of students while sharing her faith and developing very fun skills like becoming zipline/high ropes certified, taking photos, flying video drones, doing clerical work in the office and playing piano on the worship team. Camp is definitely where Brynn feels most at home!
Brynn married her best friend (Logan) in May of 2024 and loves to visit national parks, go camping and hiking, bake cookies, take photos and share her faith with new friends!
In the future, Brynn plans to continue her studies and find an intersection between helping others, neuroscience, and her love of camp ministry!

To keep up with Brynn's achievments connect via LinkedIn here


  • President, Notre Dame Club Softball
  • Vice President, Notre Dame Club Softball
  • Theology Mentor
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (TA), Introductory Biology
  • Neuroscience Club
  • Notre Dame Club Softball - catcher

Summer Experiences

  • Camp Sweeney
  • Wonder Valley Christian Camp