Cindy Apolonio Romero

Boynton Beach, FL

High School:
Santalucies Community High School

Cindy Apolonio Romero is a Political Science major from Boynton Beach, FL. In high school, she was very involved with community service. In the summer before her first year, she particpated in RISE, a pre-matriculation service program through the Center for Social for Concerns. She volunteered with Centro Maya, a Guatemalan-Maya Center in Lake Worth, Florida. She helped immigrants and refugees find health care and legal assistance. 

Also in high school, Cindy wrote for The Tribe, her high school's newspaper devoted to sharing stories that spread awareness about lesser known, but still very important issues. One of her favorite stories was about communication devices for children with differing needs and abilities. 

At Notre Dame, she hopes to join Ballet Folklorico and help in the South Bend Community through volunteering at libraries and other community service opportunities. She would also work with mental health clubs and break the stigmas surrounding mental health issues. 


  • Questbridge Scholar

Summer Experience

  • Centro Maya, RISE ND