Jose Aranda

Longview, TX

Jose is a Chemical Engineering major from Longview, Texas. In high school, he held officer positions in National Honor Society, UIL Math-Science, Rotary International, Bucs Anti-Bullying Organization, and graduated as Salutatorian of his class. I played Varsity tennis and baseball in high school, and look forward to joining many sports, engineering, and faith-based clubs at Notre Dame. He enjoys helping in my community any way he can whether that be through picking up trash on the side of roads, or tutoring at school. During his free time, he loves playing sand volleyball with friends, traveling, and listening to music.

At Notre Dame, he is excited to meet new people, go to football games, and grow alongside my cohort. 


  • Questbridge Scholar
  • Galvin Scholar,
  • AP Capstone Diploma
  • National Hispanic Recognition